TRE® is a Stress Reduction Method and Self-Care Tool. This simple yet innovate series of six exercises assist the body’s natural instinctive reflex mechanism in releasing muscular tension patterns, calming the body’s Stress Reactive System (Sympathetic Nervous System) and resets and reactivates the Relaxation and Restorative Nervous System (Parasympathetic Nervous System)
This self-controlled muscular shaking originates in the Psoas muscles, and is referred to as a “therapeutic neurogenic muscular tremor”. If you have seen a pet shaking in a thunderstorm you’ve witnessed a therapeutic muscular tremor release, discharging the adrenaline and releasing muscular tension to complete the stress reaction cycle. This rebalances the nervous system, literally “shaking it off”, self-regulating the stress system and restoring our relaxation and restoration system and our sense of well-being, resilience and vitality.
TRE is designed to be a self-help tool. A Certified TRE Provider teaches how to safely perform the exercises and self-regulate the TRE process and offers modification for your individual needs. It can then be used as needed to release stress and tension that can accumulate in the body from difficult or prolonged stress or traumatic experiences throughout one’s life. TRE®, thereby continuously supports, balances and promotes the body and nervous system health and wholeness.