Pandemic Burnout – Learn the markers to avoid tripping into the same pit
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Episode Description
On Sept. 3, 2020 we are LIVE and invite you to phone-in Toll-Free at 1-888-346-9141. Are you feeling burned out from living under the confines of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Would you know what burned-out might feel like for you? Our returning guest, stress-specialist and author of ‘From Stress To Bliss’ Martez Schembri-Diskey will be discussing the dangers of not knowing when burnout is zapping us of our energies, physically, emotionally and spiritually. She identifies a state of ‘burnout auto-pilot’. Emerging studies of the effect of the pandemic are presenting issues very much associated with working from our homes. The blurring boundaries of work and home life, the blurred boundaries of managers assuming we are sitting here with laptops on the ready. One study showed that employees are working as much as 2 hours extra per day. Family demands only compound these stressors. Learn your markers, a first aid toolbox and mini-practices to continue riding out Covid-19.
Burnout – Running on Empty
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Episode Description
Today’s demand on our lives can have serious consequences when we push past our bodies, minds and even spiritual resources. Often, without warning, or at least warnings we paid heed to, we become ill. Overshooting our natural reserves and depleting our emergency resources, our ability to go on with our daily lives can be next to impossible. Facing fatigue, depression, aches and pains, irritability and a lack of motivation, we soldier on, not wanting to admit to ourselves and certainly not to others, that we are becoming ill or burnt out. Martez Schembri, author of the book, From Stress to Bliss, returns to discuss with Gord, the dangers of burnout but importantly what we can do to help our self through such a period in our life. Despite today’s demands, burnout does not have to be an option, it just requires us to be aware and to be honest with our self and others that saying ‘enough’ is not a failure. Join Gord and Martez for this informative and very current subject.
From Stress to Bliss
January 16, 2020
Episode Description
What happens when we get used to pain and discomfort and as we disconnect from our self? We get used to the aches and pains they become our new norm. Even as we become more stressed, we keep establishing new norms until finally we have to see a doctor and find the stress has caused cardiac problems or stomach ulcers or even cancer. 90% of all visits to family doctors are for stress related illnesses. In other words they are lifestyle problems. Martez brings the knowledge that in order to heal, the 3 pillars of healing must be engaged, the body, the mind and the spirit. Martez comes from a place of personal experience, having been in a catastrophic car accident in which she had most of the right side of her body broken, she suffered through and rose above the experience to discover a career in health care and a deeply rooted spirituality. Join Martez and I as she has some very important things worth considering.
The Riley Perspective – Martez Schembri interview
Post Traumatic Stress: A Body Oriented Approach to Stress Treatment and Management